Being elected to the Governing Board and serving as a volunteer can be a rewarding and satisfying experience. A Community will thrive if led by a Governing Body whose members make each and every decision in the Community’s best interest. That being said, serving as a Trustee on a Governing Board carries with it a fair degree of power and responsibility as it the Board that is vested with the authority to make practically all decisions for the Community. The ability to make these decisions carries with it potential liability for the Board and individual members serving the Board. A failure by the Board to carry out and meet its statutory and Governing Document responsibilities may allow an aggrieved Unit/Homeowner to assert a claim for breach of duties.
Over the last several years, the fastest growing claim which we have seen filed by Unit/Homeowner is that which alleges that a Board has breached its fiduciary duties. We recognize that a Trustee’s potential exposure to a claim carries with it a fair degree of anxiety and apprehension. When, and if claims are filed, against a Board, or an individual member of the Board, we provide experienced guidance to the Board and Trustees in asserting a formal demand to the Association’s insurance carrier in providing for your defense. We fully support and stand behind those Trustees who have volunteered their time and energy and who make sound decisions against that Unit Owner’s whose claims have no merit or validity whatsoever. We know you have pride in your Community, we share that pride with you and will help you withstand any storm that comes your way.
Board Member's
Duties & Responsibilities
Board's Liabilites