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Over the course of many years, Giaimo & Associates have assisted Condominium and Homeowners Associations with major capital improvement, capital replacement, and repair projects. The nature, scope, and costs for these projects have ranged from a nominal sum to over $9 million. Experienced guidance has been provided to Boards and Property Managers pertaining to project funding (an assessment to the membership, an Association loan, or a combination of both), project scheduling, project approval (if required by the Municipality), communications with the Association’s engineering or architectural consultant, selection of an appropriate and qualified contractor (the Boards due diligence requirement), negotiation, drafting and finalization of a Contract which clearly expresses the intentions of the Contracting parties as well as the remedies for each party in the event of breach.


It is rare that a major project proceeds and concludes without an issue. When those issues arise, we are there to provide Counsel as to an appropriate response, be it to the Contractor, the Municipality, or an involved Unit Owner. We strive to insure that the Contractor and any sub-Contractors are properly insured and that certificates of insurance protecting the Association and its Managing Agent are issued and valid. If an assessment to the membership is required for the project we are able to prepare the Resolution which serves to levy the assessment and due so in a manner which is clear, precise, and outlines the Associations enforcement rights when dealing with a Unit Owner that has not complied with the assessment resolution.


We have prepared Association Contracts for Community exterior wide rehabilitation projects; roof replacement projects; balcony replacements; lobby and clubhouse restoration; fire reconstruction; concrete replacements; roadway replacements; recreational and other amenity replacements, and various other types of replacement or improvement projects.

Various Areas of


Construction Projects & Contracts


Giaimo & Associates... focusing primarily on Community Association Law.

​"Your Community Association Law Partner"


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